Friday, August 6, 2010


Name Description
Ajax Animator Web-based Flash alternative used by some school's curricula
Wikify A system of commentary and parody for web pages
Gaem/[Untitled] A realtime web based MMORPG
Shinytouch Touchscreen retrofitting system using reflectivity of the surface and a side-mounted camera
SnowCMS PHP/MySQL Content Management System
vXJS An extremely lightweight Javascript library
OnlyPaths A vector graphics editor for SVG and VML
VectorEditor Raphael based vector graphics editor
Flashcard application designed for 8th grade
μwave Third party Google Wave client
Mirrortouch Visible-spectrum Touchscreen system using a set of mirrors
Distributed PI Distributed computing in Javascript for calculating Pi
Gaecomic Google App Engine Comic Management system made for friend's webcomic
Omegle Bot A basic chat robot
Spamtection Experimental spam detection engine using many novel criteria
waveclient A Python implementation of the Google Wave client-server protocol
eLiteJS A small, mostly API-compatible clone of jQuery
pywavereader Reverse engineering of the Google Wave Client/Server protocol documentation and prototype
Word Association Net Raphael based mind mapping software for visualizing connections between words and concepts
Stick2 A stick figure animation program
Forkswif A minimialistic desktop Flash IDE in C#/
Freemovie/JS Javascript port of the Freemovie/PHP Flash compiler
js-compiler A JavaScript compiler that inserts callbacks to make code asynchronous
Rash QMS Ajax Patch Ajax up/down voting patch for Rash QMS
Distributed Hash Cracking Distributed MD5 Cryptographic hash brute force
Mental Interpreter A script that converts a brainfsck application into addition problems solved by humans to run the application
xdomain Functions to facilitate cross domain communication
tpl-engine A simple string templating engine
Subleq2 OISC VM, Assembler and Compiler
xdb-js A tiny javascript database
pmxhr XMLHttpRequest API using postMessage
vx-comet Lightweight implementation of the Bayeux Comet Protocol
rsvgshim SVG shim inspired by svgweb project to add svg support to IE using Raphael
pytrackerchecker Python application that handles TrackerChecker2 format files
pywikireader A simple python offline Wikipedia/Mediawiki dump reader
BigInt A small BigInteger library
Antivirus Searches Google for system file names to find viruses
Secure Chat Simple Comet based chat using AES256 and SHA256 encryption
Ascii Sine Animated sine function in ascii
autopatchmod Application modification and patch distribution system based on automated unidiff style patches
docxparser script that parses text from Word 2007 .docx files
js-boomshine A clone of the flash game Boomshine to SVG/VML
OnlyPaths + Raphael Precursor to VectorEditor
smfbot Python script which reads forum RSS feeds to automatically respond to target queries
substitution-breaker A set of tools to decrypt messages encoded with a substitution cipher
superawesome Virtual SSL over HTTP without Certificate Authorities using client side RSA
Twitter-Jetpack Firefox extension for notifying of new Twitter trends
Datastore Service Public data storage service on Google App Engine in Python
SHA256 SHA256 Cryptographic Hashing implemented in 1KB
SHA1 SHA1 Cryptographic Hash algorithm in 1KB
Clickjacking Experimental clickjacking security vulnerability testing
jsip A VNC-type remote desktop server and client
Secret Message Firefox extension which decrypts secret messages that can be hidden on websites
sleepcomm Transfer small amounts of data through loading latency;
snailpoop A scripting language
wavepause Pause google wave search streams
P2P Simulator Simulates a peer to peer environment and how it responds to peer segmentation
Color Range Plotter Program used to collect data for Science Fair 2010
Wave State Simulator Simulate the Google Wave gadget API
wave2 A high level abstraction of the Google Wave gadget state API
Stop Motion Animator tool for creating stop-motion videos
Wave Reader A implementation of the Google Wave JSON Conversation model
IE Getters and Setters Adding getter and setter support to legacy browsers by decompiling scripts, modifying and then recompiling
Wave Unread Navigator Chrome/Firefox extension for aiding the navigation of large waves by adding gmail-type navigation arrows
CSS3 Sideways Google Rotating websites using HTML5 and CSS3
XPath Bookmarklet Link to random sections of websites using XPath selectors
GIFEncoder Port of PHP GIFEncoder to HTML5